Education course resources
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New 2011 Equality Duty guidance booklets:
The essential guide to the public sector equality duty
Equality analysis and the equality duty. A guide for public authorities
Engagement and the equality duty. A guide for public authorities
Equality objectives and the equality duty. A guide for public authorities
Equality information and the equality duty. A guide for public authorities
Other booklets from the course are:
A dialogue of equals -
A Guide For Parents -
A Guide to the Law for School Governors
A note of good practice on unofficial exclusion
A parent's guide to disability discrimination and their child's education (with cover)
A Parents Guide to School Exclusion Appeals
Access All Areas -
Access to Education for children and young people with Medical needs
Accessible Schools -
Aiming High for Disabled Children -
Area Special Educational Needs Co-
B is for bullied -
Black and minority ethnic parents with mental health problems and their children
Boys With Autism Can Thrive in Scouting
Children, schools, and families Act (2010)
Childrens legal centre -
Code of Practice -
Code Of Practice -
Code of Practice for providers of Post 16 education and related services
Code of Practice for Services, Public Functions and Associations
Code of practice under the data protection act 1998
Come On In -
Contact a family -
Contact a family -
Contact a family -
Data Protection Act 1998 -
DDA Part 5A -
DED schools information leaflet (June 2006)
Delivering Every Child Matters for young carers
DfES -
DH_082139 -
Disability Discrimination Act 1995
Disability Discrimination Act 2005
Disability Discrimination Act 2005 -
Disability discrimination in schools -
Disability discrimination in schools -
Disability Equality -
Disabled parents and schools -
Disabled parents' involvement in their children's education -
Disclosure letter (staff or parent)
Do you have a disability -
Doing the duty -
Early support -
Early support -
Early Support Service Audit Tool
Early years and the Disability Discrimination Act
Early years and the disability discrimination act 1995
Education (SEN) regulations 1999 Annex A
Effective leadership -
EHRC Code Of Practice for schools
Employment Statutory Code Of Practice
Engagement and the equality duty. A guide for public authorities
Equality Act (2010) -
Equality Act (2010) -
Equality Act (2010) -
Equality Act (2010) -
Equality Act (2010) What do I need to know -
Equality Act 2010 -
Equality analysis and the equality duty. A guide for public authorities
Equality information and the equality duty. A guide for public authorities
Equality objectives and the equality duty. A guide for public authorities
Evaluating Educational Inclusion -
Every Child Matters -
Everybody here -
Extended Services Organisations LFT
Family Support in Children's Centres
Finding Out About peoples Disabilities
Fixed period exclusion -
Flowchart for fixed term exclusion
Good practice before considering exclusion flowchart
Guidance for Governors, headteachers, teaching and support staff
Guidance for Governors, headteachers, teaching and support staff (Scotland)
Guidance on the Disability Equality Duty
Guide to disability in education for parents (england and wales)
Guide to the DDA (Part 4) for parents (Scotland)
Having A Say -
Health and Safety of Pupils on Educational Visits
Health and safety on educational excursions
Helping parents with learning disabilities in their role as parents
HIV in Schools -
Home to School Travel and Transport Guidance 2014
How do I make a claim -
How do I make a claim -
How do I make a claim -
How to appeal an SEN decision booklet -
Implementing the Carers (Equal Opportunities) Act 2004
Implementing the DDA, Improving Access, Early Years
Implementing the DDA, Improving Access, Early Years
Implementing the duty to promote disability equality in secondary schools and local authorities
Improving access for disabled children -
Improving access for disabled pupils -
Improving access for disabled pupils -
Improving behaviour and attendance -
Improving the life chances of disabled people
Including Me -
Inclusion -
Inclusion of disabled children in primary school playgrounds
Inclusive schooling -
Introduction to Disability Awareness
Lamb Inquiry -
Learning and Skills Act (2000)
Lets play together -
Local parent support groups -
Make them go away -
Making a difference -
Making a difference to children's lives -
Making reasonable adjustments for disabled pupils
Making reasonable adjustments for disabled teachers (NUT)
Managing medicines in schools and early years settings -
Managing medicines in schools and early years settings -
Manchester Children and Young Peoples Plan
Maximising progress -
Meeting medical needs in mainstream education
Meeting the needs of teachers with disabilities (NUT)
Network 81 -
Network 81 -
Organisations’ responses to the DDA
Permanent exclusion -
Policies and other documents that governing bodies are required to have by law
Practice Guidance for the Early Years Foundation Stage
Primary and Secondary School Admissions and Appeals -
Principles of good practice in involvement
Producing better information for disabled people
Promoting Disability Equality in Schools
Providing work placements for disabled students
Rainbow bridge to participation
Reasonable adjustments and the DDA
Removing Barriers to Achievement
Research Base of Bully Proofing Your School
Safe from Bullying in play and leisure provision
Safe to Learn Embedding anti-
School discipline -
School discipline and pupil-
School Standards and Framework Act 1998
Schools and the DED -
Schools and the DED in England and Wales
Scouts With Special Needs -
SEN Code Of Practice -
SEN Code Of Practice -
SEN Code Of Practice -
SEN Tribunal -
Special Educational Needs and Disability Act 2001
Statutory Framework for the EYFS
Staying Safe and Out of Trouble -
Summary Guidance On Equality Act Employment
Supporting disabled parents' involvement in their children's education
Supporting Early Identification and Intervention for Children with SEN
Sure Start Centres -
Sure start Children's Centres Practice Guidance (blue and red book) -
Sure start Children's Centres Practice Guidance (white book)
Teachability -
Template for a school Disability Equality Scheme
The DDA -
The DED -
The DED -
The DED -
The Disability Equality Duty -
The Duty to Promote Disability Equality
The duty to promote disability equality -
The duty to promote disability equality -
The Duty to Promote Disability Equality -
The Duty to Promote Disability Equality (Scotland)
The Early Years out of school provision
The essential guide to the public sector equality duty
The health of children and young people
The health of children and young people -
The impact of integrated services on children and their families in Sure Start children's centres
The Medical and Social Models of disability
The social care sector and the DED
The social model of disability
The Sure Start Journey -
The Way Forward -
The Way Forward -
They said what -
Toolbag for supporting disabled teachers
Top tips for participation -
Understanding legal definitions of discrimination
Using disability models to understand how schools create bullying
Using the Disability Audit Tool (Dec 08)
What equality law means for you as an education provider -
What equality law means for your association, club or society
What Is Harassment On Grounds Of Disability (NUT)
What is harassment on the grounds of disability
Working Effectively with Families in Children's Centres